I was a little bit lazy with my English posts, but recently I have got some great news involving foreign languages, so hopefully they will appeal to English-language readers as well. First of all thank you for your patience and the likes on my Facebook page. I mostly write in Hungarian, but now I have some treat for the English-speaking readers too.
I am so happy, because one of my short stories has been accepted by a foreign online newspaper called The Tophat Raven. It is my first English publication, so I am really glad. I will share the issue containing my short story with you in March. Thank you for your help, Fanni Sütő!
In September I was selected as one of the 15 finalist in the 6th edition of the Sea of Words International Short Story Competition. I had a really great time in Barcelona, and I can share my short story called School of Nations with you soon. It will be published on the Mediterranya Literary Blog.
Now I am writing as always. I would like to rewrite my first fantasy novel and I am working with my trilogy about two brothers and a girl. And I also write some short stories. I hope I can share some more English writings with you in the future.
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