I thought I need to blog about my quarter life crisis. I hope my story can help others to cope this kind of stuff better than me. Because my first really life crisis hit me really hard at the age … Continue reading
I thought I need to blog about my quarter life crisis. I hope my story can help others to cope this kind of stuff better than me. Because my first really life crisis hit me really hard at the age … Continue reading
Last year I wrote a post about my NaNoWriMo journey, but this year a lot of things have changed in my life. I have got married, I am getting published in two weeks and I have moved to a different … Continue reading
We started a new writing project with my best writer friend Fanni Sütő. Every Friday we will complete a short writing challange in English and Hungarian. You can find Fanni’s solution in her new home page: Ink, Maps and Macarons. … Continue reading
Last week was quite exhausting for me, that’s why we skipped our weekly prompt. But now I am in Kraków, so I can write again peacefully. This week’s prompt is the following: “You walk into your house and it’s completely … Continue reading
Dear Mr. King, I decided to write you an open letter a long, long time ago, but I always just think about it and have never accomplished the task. I was a little bit desperate about this and I thought … Continue reading
I wrote a post about NaNoWriMo in October. Now it is the first day of December, so I should summarize the whole month and my experience. This is my third year with NaNoWriMo. I am always working on my trilogy in November. … Continue reading
Last year I wrote so many Hungarian posts about the National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), that’s why I thought I have to summarize my feelings and experiences in English language too. So November is coming. That means a lot for so many … Continue reading
This May my second translated short story called School of Nations was published by the IEMed and Mediterranya blog. You can read my short story here and here if you are interested. Now I would like to write about the story behind the story. In April … Continue reading
I was a little bit lazy with my English posts, but recently I have got some great news involving foreign languages, so hopefully they will appeal to English-language readers as well. First of all thank you for your patience and the likes on … Continue reading